Growth through Connection

Bill Byrnes

Founder | Visionary | Facilitator | Guide

I connect leaders with themselves, each other, and the world around them through deepened presence, awareness, and vulnerability. My mission is to guide humans into personal empowerment and authenticity through intentional experiences of growth.

I experienced loneliness early in life, living with a single mother as an only child until my adolescent years. Throughout my childhood, I moved frequently, trying to fit in by being who I thought others wanted me to be, eventually abandoning my true self. This led to an early adulthood of escape, distraction, and addiction. I felt stuck in a technology sales career, addicted to the external validation and comfort it offered, yet I was completely disconnected from purpose. I lived in a constant state of dread and anxiety

I began to own my healing journey by prioritizing personal development, working on myself to take conscious ownership of my life and face what I was running from. This lit a fire inside me, and I was motivated to direct my energy towards building a life of purpose. I launched my first company, GoodCinema, focused on community engagement and action through live film and discussion events. Closing this business two years later during the pandemic offered another opportunity for self-reflection and exploration, as I discovered my soul's calling.

I now lead groups and individuals to reclaim their authenticity and show up in wholeness through awareness, reflection, and intention. This has become the essence of my facilitation style - cultivating brave spaces for vulnerability with grounded presence that invites people to feel more, open to the truth within, take ownership of their actions, and consciously create the lives of their dreams.


Re-Inspire Breathwork

Authentic Relating Leadership

Trauma-Focused Psychedelic Psychotherapy

Masculine Alchemy Leadership

Co-Active Coaching

SpiralMethod Group Facilitation

Neuro Linguistic Programming



“I’m 50 years old, and I was very nervous to attend Permission as my first retreat, however, Bill was absolutely amazing. Bill chose a spectacular and calming location and wonderful people to lead and attend the retreat. Within minutes of being on location, I felt so welcomed and loved by strangers who later I would call my brothers.

Not one time did I feel left out or alone from my brothers. The teachings I received have impacted me to my core. The support I received can only be described as remarkable and selfless. So many various forms of teachings were given by facilitators who knew what they were doing. The final day I experienced something I cannot place into words but it was from a breath work workshop. One word I would use is profound.  

I would do it all again in a heartbeat with Bill and my fellow brothers. You would be doing yourself an injustice if you have never been to an Authenticue retreat. Bill is the person the go with.“

— Jiten


“I am filled with gratitude for Bill’s retreats and men's work. Bill has helped me unlock next level insights, promoting growth and healing. I was so impressed at his ability to stay present as a participant, connecting deeply with others, while also guiding the dialogue and leading the group holistically.

Bill inspires the creation of a judgement-free zone, fostering an incomparable connection that encourages everyone to come as themselves and be truly authentic. To actually show up as myself was such a gift that helped me to discover what self compassion looks like, helping me get out my head and into the moment.

Bill is an excellent communicator, and he makes gatherings inclusive and fun. Working with Bill has been an absolute pleasure, and I couldn't recommend him more!”

— Mike


“Bill’s coaching style was the first of several I have tried that actually worked for me! His unique approach gave me a safe space to be honest about my challenges, and his thoughtful questions led me to discover my own answers.

Throughout our sessions together, I never felt like Bill was pushing an agenda or seeking to dispense advice. Instead, I always felt like his top priority was simply helping me clear a path to make my own discoveries so I could become my own hero!

Most of our sessions began with a meditation to help focus us on the present, and I consistently felt lighter after each session. For anyone feeling stuck or even just in need of a little extra support, I highly recommend Authenticue.”

— Laura


“Whether working with Bill one-on-one or in a group, his positive, encouraging approach empowers me to bring forth my most genuine and authentic expressions. His warmth, presence, and curious questions have helped me uncover insights about what’s most important to me, enabling me to prioritize, plan, and manifest my vision.

Bill is always there to hold me accountable to my commitments to myself and others, help me refocus when I’ve strayed from the big picture, and remove any obstacles that are preventing me from moving forward confidently. Since working with Bill, I have become calmer, feel more capable, am more focused on self-care, approach life more creatively, and take action instead of feeling trapped in my head. He is inspiring, motivating, challenging, and leads by example.”

— Seth


“Bill has created a space for me to get out of my way and take action. His approachability, calm demeanor, and ability to reflect thoughtful questions and observations have helped me gain more confidence and energy to take on my new venture by applying past successes, shifting from my head to my heart, and taking action.”

— Justin

“The Permission retreat was one of the most nourishing, empowering experiences I've ever had. I tapped into parts of myself I either didn't know existed or have not been aware of. The activities were intentionally curated to create a heart-opening experience unlike any other where men could be honest and real with other men - something I had not been used to.

The ceremonies, dancing, movement practices, authentic sharing, and wonderful container created by the hosts resulted in a wonderful space to do whatever work was showing up for each of us at that time in our lives, and almost more importantly, to enjoy it and appreciate the play that is associated with being in that space.

I highly recommend working with Bill in any capacity, as he is a real man doing real work.”

— Joe


“Bill has an uncanny ability to create experiences that lead to deep authentic connection and fearless vulnerability. In his men’s group, Connection Council, I have formed some of the deepest and most rewarding friendships that have been such an uplifting part of my life. I feel as though I have the tools to achieve my dreams and now have the support to go with it.

The same can be said of Bill's coaching style, his ability to ask curious questions that cut right to the heart of the matter have allowed me to see through my own clutter and identify more clearly the ways in which I tend to hold myself back. Once at the heart of the issue, his gentleness guides us back to some tangible next steps I can take to help propel me forward in my journey.

Through a combination of meditation and embodiment practice, Bill helps me walk away from our sessions feeling whole and authentic with myself and everyone around me. Bill is incredible to work with and has helped me step into my own self unapologetically and wholeheartedly. Because of my work with Bill, my life feels more free.”

— Max


Bill’s energy is infectious and constantly reminds me between sessions to be more playful. The breath work and mediation he incorporates into the sessions are a nice gift to yourself and allowing you to both rest and dream. I feel completely safe sharing and that he is looking out for me and my goals when we talk. I’m so glad to have connected with him and to have him as an ally in my corner on this journey of self discovery.

— Siria


“Bill’s super power is co-creating epic experiences WITH tribe. His men’s group, Connection Council, was birthed from this power, and I’m so excited to see what comes next! Highly recommend the Bill Byrnes experience... however it’s marketed, whoever shows up, wherever it’s located... whatever the price.”

— Doug


“Bill has shown me how to look deep within and really see myself. Even after several months of trauma therapy, I struggled to find balance in my life and was still having anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Learning to focus on the positive rather than negative, helped me achieve the balance which I desired, feeling lighter, happier, and more focused.

Honestly, working with Bill has done more for me than months of visits to my therapist. He is a great listener, and I have felt totally comfortable and safe working with him. The depth of honesty I have achieved is a major step forward for me, as I now have a new vision for myself and my life. ”

— Judy


Let’s explore what’s possible