Authentic Reflections

Lessons of life expressed through the written word.

Written by Bill Byrnes

Minding My Business
Bill Byrnes Bill Byrnes

Minding My Business

It’s been easy for me fall into automatic patterns of fixating on others, judging them, and trying to fix their problems.

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Running From My Pain
Bill Byrnes Bill Byrnes

Running From My Pain

For as long as I can remember, I have chased a good time - for the thrill of feeling alive, to wake up my soul, and to run from the pain I’ve carried since childhood.

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One Step at a Time
Bill Byrnes Bill Byrnes

One Step at a Time

It is easy to be distracted by the end goal, whether it is so appealing we lose sight of what is right in front of us or it is too daunting for us to move. But it is the only way forward.

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Listening to Understand
Bill Byrnes Bill Byrnes

Listening to Understand

I recently received some feedback that triggered me. I was open to receiving feedback, as I typically am, and most of it involved praise and gratitude. But when some criticisms didn’t match what I agreed with, I immediately got defensive, shifted from a state of curiosity to righteousness, and eventually dismissed the critical feedback altogether.

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Learning to Be Myself
Bill Byrnes Bill Byrnes

Learning to Be Myself

From a young age, I was taught how to act in public, how to be polite, how to learn, and how to work. These were important lessons as the bases for many of our social constructs such as civility, order, education, and commerce. But, these lessons seemed to be aimed at serving a “greater good” predetermined by people other than me, for me without my input.

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Bill Byrnes Bill Byrnes


A reawakening is often caused by an external event that shakes things up so significantly that what’s most important immediately comes into focus. Once we see what’s beneath the surface, everything changes.

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Bill Byrnes Bill Byrnes


By giving ourselves permission, rather than seeking it from others, we become empowered. We shift from being who others think we should be to who we want to be.

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What do you really want?
Bill Byrnes Bill Byrnes

What do you really want?

This is often such a difficult question to answer. Maybe it is because we don’t ask ourselves the question often enough to know the answer.

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