Running From My Pain

For as long as I can remember, I have chased a good time - for the thrill of feeling alive, to wake up my soul, and to run from the pain I’ve carried since childhood. I have strived to be the center of attention, a ringleader of friends, and an inspiring leader - all in an unconscious attempt to dissociate from the loneliness I felt growing up.

While meant to protect me from more hurt, these patterns of escape and avoidance have built a wall between me and the very things I most desire - deep connections, intimate relationships, and meaningful work. By running from my pain, I've distanced myself from others and from my authentic self.

It's so much easier to offer platitudes about pain being a gift than to truly feel the depths of my own suffering. Yet I know in my bones that facing my pain head-on is the only way I can move forward and live with true freedom and authenticity. I'm ready to courageously confront my pain, and I hope you'll join me on this journey.

  • What patterns of avoidance or escape have you noticed in your own life when it comes to dealing with pain or difficult emotions?

  • How have those patterns served you in the short-term, but potentially hindered you in the long-run?

  • What is the core pain that you may be avoiding, and what would it look like to start facing it?

  • Who or what could support you on the journey of moving through your pain in a meaningful way?


Am I Doing This Right?


Letting Go of Control