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Minding My Business

It’s been easy for me fall into automatic patterns of fixating on others, judging them, and trying to fix their problems. I've realized this tendency is often just projection—a way to avoid confronting my own unresolved issues.

The harder path is turning inward—peeling back layers of protective stories that obscure my authentic self and no longer serve me. I've used "helping" others as a crutch for validation, but the truth I'm learning is no one can make me feel worthy except myself. The journey to wholeness isn't about fixing others; it's about embracing every part of me, even those I've exiled.

As I cultivate self-love and acceptance, the fixation on people and situations outside of myself dissolves, and I can let them be. By minding my business, I create space for others to find their way and for myself to truly thrive.

  • When was the last time you caught yourself fixating on others’ issues instead of addressing your own?

  • What protective stories have you been holding onto that no longer serve you?

  • How would your life and relationships change if you embraced the idea that your worth comes solely from within?