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Am I Doing This Right?

I often felt alone growing up with a single, working mother and no siblings for the first decade of my life. We also moved frequently throughout my childhood, making it difficult to build a supportive community. I wanted to belong and connect with others, but I didn't know how. In my quest to fit in, I modeled myself after those who seemed to have the close-knit friendships I craved. Slowly, I lost touch with my authentic self, adopting shared interests, mimicking behaviors that drew attention, and wearing a mask of who I thought others wanted me to be.

As I grew older, I became increasingly self-conscious, often asking myself, "Am I doing this right?" I have recently noticed how this fear of judgment still holds me back from fully expressing my authenticity and leaning into vulnerability. I've always longed for freedom, and I'm just now understanding that true freedom requires letting go of my attachment to doing things "the right way”. By releasing this fear of judgment, I liberate myself to love with an open heart, live with purpose, and act with courage. The only true "right way" is what feels authentic to me. My new practice is looking within myself as a guide to simply be me, and I am the only one who can truly show me what that looks like.

  • What might it look like to let go of doing things "the right way"?

  • What childhood experiences or beliefs may be contributing to your fear of judgment?

  • What advice would you give to your younger self some about not losing touch with your authenticity?

  • What are some ways you could start looking inward more often to connect with and express your true self?